This is the third and final opinion on this
topic. In a little over two months, if Yaya Jammeh or Mansa Jakut has his wish,
Gambians will perform their designated role in another choreographed ritual
– officially dressed up as an election,
but which in fact is meant not to seek their consent as to who will govern them,
but rather will only use them as props to give the appearance to an
unsuspecting international community that an actual election has taken place.
In reality, what passes for an election in
the Gambia is nothing but an elaborate daylight con job on a whole country. And
it has happened twice already!
In 2010, based on a hunch and later, corroboration
from a one-time insider and childhood associate of he Yaya Jammeh himself, I included
in my Round Holes -Square Pegs… series information on how he has
completely bastardized the Gambia’s electoral system not just by the more
generally known wholesale registration of his ethnic kinsmen from southern Senegal
in the Gambia’s Voter Roll, but worse by the more daring stuffing of ballot
boxes by his sanctioned military thugs. I called it “Security Votes”. To recap,
here is the gist of how the scam goes: Jammeh
orders the same materials as the
electoral commission; he has his hand-picked military men under his direct command fill the ballot
boxes beforehand; then they take the stuffed boxes around the country on election day to counting
centers; they create or manufacture excuses and distractions at each location
they reach in the name of security in order to avail themselves the opportunity
to mix the illicit boxes they’ve stuffed with the real votes that Gambians
have cast at the polls. Bottom-line, they ensure that the boxes that
they’ve stuffed at Jammeh’s behest are counted around the country. This way,
they nullify Gambians’ votes against Yaya Jammeh!
This is why Jammeh keeps bragging that
he’ll win elections even if Gambians don’t vote for him because djinns will
vote for him due to “how I’ve developed this country”! And precisely why he is
so diametrically opposed to changing the voting system in Gambia.
You see, we are so full of jokes in The Gambia
that we have become a complete joke as a country. To begin with, from its very
inception, the so-called Independent Electoral Commission has operated as an
extension of Yaya Jammeh’s party. This electoral scam I noted wouldn’t be
possible without the connivance of the Electoral Commission. Unfortunately, all
but one of the Electoral Commission’s past Heads were known sympathizers of Jammeh’s
APRC. Not surprisingly, the lone stand-out, the late reverend Bishop Telewa
Johnson was the only one who defied Jammeh by making a valiant effort to be an
impartial umpire by refusing to collude with the APRC and better heeded popular
calls by introducing On-the-Spot-Counting. He knew the risk he was taking by
doing the right thing, but he it did anyway out of honor and integrity.
Predictably, Yaya Jammeh quickly fired him and took his job back. Bishop
Johnson kept his honor and integrity intact. May god bless his soul. Wouldn’t The Gambia be a better place if our
high profile imams show similar courage and integrity? What kills me is some of
us Gambian Muslims still actually think we have an upper hand on other
religions. Twenty-two years of madness, and
pure evil rule and one cannot find even a couple of big-mosque imams courageous
enough to speak up for the oppressed Gambian Muslim masses. Mention this
obvious fact to some people, and they’ll accuse you of heresy or what have you.
The way some tell it, you get a sense that Allah will come down physically to
deliver us from Yaya Jammeh. We really are a funny people.
On a related note, my source says, this
electoral heist is ALWAYS sealed with the blood of a virgin girl based on the
advice of Jammeh’s Jalang priest! And not only does he know where they bury
these poor innocent victims, he knows the killers who carried out the first two
operations. All I can say is, the average Gambian has no idea how truly
depraved and power-hungry Yaya Jammeh really is.
In Part 2, I noted our culture of not
paying attention to details because Jammeh is by nature a very indiscipline person. He talks a lot for a leader and sings
discordant tunes. In doing so, he indirectly reveals tidbits about some of the many
crimes he engages in publicly often without realizing it. Sadly, many of us miss
these clues because - well, we don’t pay
attention to details.
In the last two elections, a curious thing
was apparent, Jammeh’s proportion of the total votes which was in the mid-50s
in 1996 magically jumped to the low 70s! This is phenomenal growth. It would signify remarkable popularity for
any politician if it is real. It is not. You know this because not only is it
out of sync with the vibe of the country, he Jammeh has made no secret of his
anger at the largest ethnic groups in the country – especially the Manding, for hating him. I’ve
had calls from countless Mandinkas over the years many of who wonder how it is
possible that Mandinkas could hate Yaya Jammeh when he gets over 70% in
majority Manding areas of The Gambia during elections. My answer to them is:
Yaya Jammeh has conclusive evidence that he loses badly in majority Mandinka
areas of The Gambia. Here is the reality: Yaya Jammeh is among the few Gambians
who know the number of votes actually cast by Gambians at the polls. For the
record, NO election result gets announced on Gambian radio or TV on election
day unless Yaya Jammeh gives his explicit approval! This is the first key point
to note about who actually calls the shots at the electoral commission. So when Jammeh says people in this area don’t
like me, he knows for a FACT that they don’t because he has actual data on
votes cast for him in that particular area. He knows how many phony votes his
thugs drop off in each Region because he personally tracks them. So all he does
to gauge his popularity in any part of the country is back out his phony votes
from the total that he has in that area! The urban areas are eclectic and harder to
tell. Not so much trouble when it comes to the provinces.
Officially, Jammeh has been winning over
70% in majority Mandinka areas like Baddibu, Kiang, and Jarra in the last two
elections. Yet he is mad and constantly engaging in ethnically incendiary
diatribes against Mandinkas. Many are perplexed and frustrated by this. Some think it’s baseless. But Jammeh knows
something they don’t because he sees the real numbers, and as any astute
observer knows, it’s easier to lie to others than to lie to oneself. This is
one of the main sources of Jammeh’s anti-Mandinka rage.
Jammeh cannot share this information publicly
without betraying the fraudulent ballot stuffing operation he engages in. Call
it a Crook’s dilemma or being hoisted to his own petard!
The way the current electoral system is, no
one can tell the difference between a phony vote stuffed inside a ballot box by
a jack-booted thug at State House on a weekend in November 2016 and a real one
cast by a duly registered Gambian voter on voting day in December 2016 because as
anyone who has studied the system knows, it is archaic and lacks any Audit
Trail. The marbles that are used as votes in the system have no unique
features. Nothing ties any marble to any
voter in any way. Worse, even the voter identification system used is not an
assurer of the voter’s true ID – unlike anywhere else in West Africa presently.
Multiple voter registration by the ruling party especially is rampant.
Currently ALL other West African countries have adopted some form of
biometric-based voting system that have helped to not only sanitize their
electoral systems, but have also deepened confidence in their democracies. In
the event of disputes in such systems, science-based facts are easy to
establish and follow to resolve the disputes.
The Gambia is threading a lonely path. The fact that Yaya Jammeh had the
UDP activist Solo Sandeng murdered in cold blood for merely calling peacefully
for reforming this anachronistic electoral system tells us everything we need
to know about the threat he believes changes to the current electoral system
will pose to his chance of maintaining the lie that he is interested in cultivating
true democracy in The Gambia.
I mentioned the lack of standards in my
earlier post. Beside the corrupt and complicit electoral commission, lack of
standards is Jammeh’s biggest tool in subverting the will of the Gambian people.
Let me explain: anyone who understands basic demography knows the Gambia’s
Voters Register is heavily padded. Now
what makes this so easy for Jammeh to do is, there is no standard way of
spelling any Gambian Family or Last Name. As such, the people he wants to use
to buff up the Voter roll register multiple times using different names or
spellings and even normal computer data validation rules don’t raise any red
flag. For instance, the computer sees Modou Ceesay and Modou Sesay and Modou
Sisay and Modou Sise as separate individuals. Equally, it assumes Amie Njie is
different from Amie Njai, who is different from Amie Njay who is different from
Amie Njaye when it’s the same person with the Last name spelt differently. A
biometric system will spot the fraud and nip it in the bud, but the current
Gambian environment is a conman’s dream. All I can say is how about we get such
fundamentals right first before imitating others in talking about lofty ideas
that have NOTHING to do with Gambian reality?
Knowing all these, my heart bleeds for
those who actually think the opposition can defeat Yaya Jammeh at the polls. Even
after side-stepping the silly side show surrounding the opposition coalition talks
and the price some are asking for a coalition (avoiding stating the obvious
about certain candidates,) I can only think of a single reason for investing in
elections at this point: to build a moral basis for what in all probability
will eventually happen to Jammeh.
Otherwise, one has a better chance of
finding a ten billion barrels oil well in Jarra Soma than beating Yaya Jammeh,
his military thugs, and his IEC lap dogs at their game. No biometric electoral
system, no On-the-Spot-Counting? But
what do I know.
Recently, a friend called to say he has heard
on a Gambian radio station that the ballot stuffing operation is well underway
at State House and up to half a million vote may have already been put away for
Jammeh. Now I don’t have any way to verify this, but the one thing I know is
never to doubt Yaya Jammeh’s penchant for the outlandish – be that crime or
otherwise. When I first heard about this operation of his from someone who used
to be pretty close to him, I was incredulous. But on second thought, it made
perfect sense. How else can Yaya Jammeh possibly poll over 70% in Gambia given
the way he has been ruling the country especially since he murdered his main
ally Baba Jobe in 2001?
In Gambian opposition political discourse,
there are two camps: 1.) those that see the present dispensation exactly as
what it is, and therefore open up to other options however unconventional those
may seem to some; and 2.) those who obstinately cling to the idea of what the Gambia
ought to be as a democracy despite overwhelming evidence that the country is in
fact moving more and more away from a democracy two decades after the current
second experiment began. Call it the
Realist versus Idealist dichotomy. Need I
say which camp I belong to?
Throughout this Jammeh era, we have lived
Public Lies: official v. unofficial; nominal v. actual. Officially, Isatou Njai
Saidy is Number 2 in the country. In reality, She and everyone else in
government knows that to be a lie. She is nothing but a pathetic errand girl
that Jammeh sends to places to humanize him when he wants. The second most
powerful person in Gambia is a man called Lt. Gen. Saul Badjie, Commander of
the State Republican Guards. In reality, his name is neither Sulayman “Saul” Badjie
nor is he a General. In fact, he has never set foot in ANY military school in his
entire life because learning has always been a struggle for him at both Primary
and Secondary levels in Bwiam where he hails from. His real name is Karafa Bojang. He had “borrowed”
the school certificate of a much younger man whose name he now bears to enlist
in the Gambian army. That young man who is nick named Paul Badjie lives in
London. In a serious country, Karafa
Bojang would have long been dismissed from the army for impersonation. Didn’t I
say we are a joke?
But here is the light at the end of the
tunnel in all this madness. The House of Jammeh is on fire – politically,
militarily, and socially. What is being touted as a new kid on the opposition
block is in fact a manifestation of the political implosion of Jammeh’s APRC. Worse,
and of greater consequence is the clear implosion in the military that has burst
open with the bolting and sudden self-exile of alleged notorious killer O.U.
Sonko. And if information reaching us are accurate, Jammeh’s enemies are no
longer the usual suspects. What gives these rumors real credence is in the recent
past some astounding social events have
been taking place. Those that speak some Jola may have noticed some unusual
phenomenon. Several videos have been posted on YouTube showing many Gambian Jolas
openly denouncing Jammeh in very strong language. The videos speak volumes about the seismic
changes going on in the Jola community. I have no doubt that Jammeh will rig
himself in again this December. But I
have little doubt also about the aftermath of that action because as Abraham
Lincoln told Americans in his short extemporaneous speech at Gettysburg during
the American civil war” a house divided against itself cannot stand.” What the
hapless opposition cannot do to him, his own just might.
Which brings me back to my subject: May god
save Dear Little Gambia!
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