The nationally and internationally puss ups on the government of the Gambia to produce all those arrested is paying dividents as the almost all except Ebrima Solo Sandeng were to produced and brought before the high court in Banjul. The United Nations and the African Union and all other human rights organizations have called on the government of the Gambia to investigate the alleged killing of Solo Sandeng and unconditionally free the others from detentions.
The Gambia government did not pay much heed to that call rather charges were brought against them and are standing trials at the Banjul Higt Court.
Kafu Bayo, Ebrima Jabang, Fatou camara, Fatoumatta jawara, Nogoi Njie Kalilu Jojo Saidykhan and modou Ngum were all brought to court today .These were people who were missing since the arrest of the peaceful demonstrators on 14 April 2016. They are all charged for conspiracy amongst other related offences.
The legal parties adopted their briefs today with regards to amended charge sheet of conspiracy and additional lists of seven accused persons.Those produce today were for the past twenty days feared death. However, mantawra sources said these men and women were tortured and sustained injures. The state was all along buying time to heal their wounds before bringing them to public view.
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