Monday, 29 August 2016
How Mamma Kandeh Surprises Yahya Jammeh
The emergence of a little known opposition presidential candidate in the person of Mama Kandeh has left Gambians caught up in a vigorous debate. While supporters see the new man as the saviour in waiting, opponents cast doubts on Mama Kandeh’s genuineness. They view him as a front cover for Yahya Jammeh. Mama’s failure to stand tall with the oppressed leadership of the United Democratic Party and a key member of his Gambia Democratic Congress Tina Faal have all been used against him. But his surrogates are convinced that their candidate deserves a chance for bringing new energy and enthusiasm into Gambian politics. For them, the former Jimara APRC lawmaker’s crowd speaks for itself. Still opponents have problem with many issues, including Mama Kandeh’s willingness to give amnesty to Yahya Jammeh, the man whose hands are filled with innocent Gambian blood.
In the light of the above, Kairo News decides to put its Banjul correspondent to investigate whether Mama Kandeh’s presidential bid has anything to do with Yahya Jammeh. His investigate has proven that Mama might have a hidden agenda but he has absolutely nothing to do with his former party leader. “The president has been at pains for being lied to that Mama Kandeh has no political clout or muscle but he saw a totally different story,” one ruling party says. “He has been hauling insults at everything for one week when he saw Mama’s large crowd in Brikama.”
Mr. Jammeh fears that Kandeh’s candidacy will weaken him because his party becomes the biggest casualty. He believes that bulk of his (Mama’s) supporters come from the APRC. “Jammeh is scared to the bone that opposition victory is guaranteed when you have Mama in the ring. He doesn’t think Mama will win but it will help opposition UDP to win the December election with a simple majority. Kandeh has shattered Jammeh’s coalition,” a State House source tellsKairo News.
Our correspondent is also investigating why 75 plainclothes officers have gone countrywide tour with the GMC leader.
Friday, 26 August 2016
PIU Command Frown Military Fusion
Heads of the Police Intervention Unit (PIU) have frowned at President Yahya Jammeh’s plans to amalgamate the PIU with the Gambia National Army (GNA). They threaten to throw in their towel if the president remains adamant in implementing the senseless plan.
The amalgamation of the gendarmerie and police was believed to be the beginning of President Dawda Jawara’s troubles. Security experts say the amalgamation of the military and the PIU will easily get the job done. “Jammeh is scared of the military that is why he wants to turn the PIU into soldiers overnight and arm them,” said a security expert. “He is simply digging his graveyard.”
The PIU chiefs see the fusion plan with pinch of salt. They are concerned about the resulting backlash. For instance, they are worried about escalation of “bad blood” between the military and the PIU.
The PIU chiefs have since been brainstorming about the amalgamation, wondering what might have triggered the plan. “We have chosen to become police officers and see no reason why we should become part of the military. The planned amalgamation cannot work; it is not a viable option,” PIU chiefs complain.
Meanwhile, the amalgamation has been put on hold until what our sources call some serious issues are ironed out.
Over the years, the PIU has proven to be one of the most effective brutal machine for Yahya Jammeh. The unit is implicated in the besting of peaceful opposition protesters in April and May this year, resulting to the death of Ebrima Solo Krummah, the Vice Chairman of the UDP in Sandu Constituency.
Thursday, 25 August 2016
United Democratic Party (UDP) hereby gives notice for the selection of the party Presidential Candidate for the December 1st 2016 Presidential Elections.
1. Application for selection as the party presidential candidate is open to all interested party members.
2. All applications must be addressed and submitted to the Chairperson UDP Central Committee on or before Tuesday 30th August, 2016 at 10. 00 am prompt.
3. The UDP Central Committee chaired by the party Secretary General shall meet on Tuesday 30th August, 2016 at 11.00 am at the party National Bureau in Banjul, to act on the applications duly received.
4. The UDP Selection Committee chaired by the Party National President shall meet on Wednesday 31st August, 2016 at 11. 00 am at the party National Bureau in Banjul, to do the selection of the party Presidential Candidate for the December 1st 2016 Elections.
5. The UDP will formerly unveiled the Party Presidential Candidate for the December 1st 2016 Elections, on Thursday 1st September, 2016 through press conference to be held at the party National Bureau in Banjul at 11. 00 am.
Mariam B. Secka
Chairperson UDP Central Committee
24th August, 2016
Monday, 22 August 2016
Another Hero Tortured To Death,,United Democratic Party,,
The United Democratic Party (UDP) – The Gambia wishes to inform the general public and the international community that another UDP detainee, Solo Krummah, arrested since on the 9th May 2016 and currently under trial, has died in state custody at the Edward Francis’s Small Teaching Hospital in Banjul . Solo was admitted on the 8th August 2016 and reportedly underwent an operation on Friday 19th August 2016 and died on the 20th August 2016 at about 7.15 am after the operation. The party and family members up to the issuance of this statement have not been formally notified of the death. The circumstances surrounding his medical condition leading to his admission and the subsequent actions undertaken by his jailers remain unknown to his immediate family and the UDP as both were repeatedly denied access to him throughout his stay in state custody. During the period of his admission at the hospital, he was denied visits as well as food from both the family and party members. There were security officials around him throughout, three or two armed soldiers and two prison guards. Neither the family nor the party consented to any form of treatment that was either performed or withheld throughout his time in jail or at the hospital. Consequently party lawyers are acting to determine the exact cause of death as well as make affirmative demands for the state to immediately and unconditionally surrender the body of the victim to his family for proper burial at his native village of Sandu Darsilameh in URR. Solo was the UDP deputy chairman in Sandu Constituency and headed the party in his native Darsilameh village. He is survived by nine daughters, six sons and an elderly father. Additionally, a substantial number of UDP detainees having undergone severe and sustained torture and other degrading treatment throughout their stay in custody require urgent and extensive medical attention which they have been consistently denied despite formal and frequent requests and demands. The situation is especially grave for detainees battling chronic and debilitating conditions that require constant supervised treatment and medication. Others like Lamin Dibba who sustained a serious eye injury from violence inflicted by the police requires urgent specialized care to save his sight as well as female detainees who were subjected to horrendous torture and abuse require immediate medical attention . UDP holds The Gambia government entirely responsible for the death of Solo Krummah as well as the fate of all the detainees they continue to subject to medieval barbarism by intentionally inflicting bodily harm and then steadfastly withhold urgent lifesaving medical interventions to induce death or prolong suffering. We call on all Gambians and by extension the broader international community to hold The Gambia government accountable for its wanton and criminal endangering of the lives of the gallant prisoners of conscience they are unjustly holding on to. To injure and willfully deny medical attention to a state prisoner resulting in death or prolong suffering is evil and contemptible. We demand justice and freedom for the Gambian people and we shall get it sooner or later.
Aji Mariama B. Secka
Deputy Party Leader and Secretary General
Wednesday, 17 August 2016
Re: Why PDOIS Keeps Ringing Primary Bells
I think Mr Batch Samba was simply dreaming about Gambian politics when he was writing his ugly and misleading piece if he is indeed an opposition sympathiser. First and foremost, Mr. Batch has contradicted his own self without realising it and must not believe that people will believe in a single bit of his trash that deserves to be in a septic tank.
Batch wants us to believe that PDOIS is a fringe party but fooling no one but himself, however contrary to that, PDOIS is one of the most popular parties ever seen in Gambian politics. He should accept that if his party is indeed the UDP, which have flouted its principles when they have agreed with all other parties after more than one year of talks, signed and launched NADD only for them to withdraw at the last hour on no basis but by simply saying “we cannot be in two parties”, while mischievously wanting to use others for a partisan interest.
Batch wants us to believe that PDOIS is a fringe party but fooling no one but himself, however contrary to that, PDOIS is one of the most popular parties ever seen in Gambian politics. He should accept that if his party is indeed the UDP, which have flouted its principles when they have agreed with all other parties after more than one year of talks, signed and launched NADD only for them to withdraw at the last hour on no basis but by simply saying “we cannot be in two parties”, while mischievously wanting to use others for a partisan interest.
Batch argued that, PDOIS is a very small and unpopular party which has no support in the country. While reinforcing that PDOIS would then send its supporters to districts where parties like NDAM, GPDP, PPP and NRP have no bases and these PDOIS supporters would disguise themselves as members of those parties and use other parties as vehicles to secure enough delegates for Candidate Halifa Sallah. How can PDOIS do the above if they do not have support across the country? This is typical of a ‘Charlatan’ who`ve proven to incoherently and illogically put a case against PDOIS.
The supposedly Mr. Clever Batch should read the NADD MOU before coming up with such an incorrigible assertion meant to confuse those who are giving thought to PDOIS` proposal for building an opposition ‘Grande Alliance’ in the December polls.
For your information Part 111 of the ‘ELECTIONS AND TENURE OF OFFICE’ of the NADD MOU on the nomination of candidate states that: “The selection of the candidate of the Alliance for the Presidential, National Assembly and Council elections shall be done by consensus; provided that in the event of an impasse selection shall be done by holding a Primary election restricted to party delegates on the basis of equal number of delegates, comprising the chairman, chairwoman and youth leader of each party from each village/ward in a Constituency.”
The UDP and NRP left NADD during consensus building which could have been achieved at the time without having to go through any sort of ‘Primaries’. UDP also had the option of pushing for the same Primary method, since it was confident of its overwhelming grassroots support.
The UDP and NRP left NADD during consensus building which could have been achieved at the time without having to go through any sort of ‘Primaries’. UDP also had the option of pushing for the same Primary method, since it was confident of its overwhelming grassroots support.
Batch is also aware of the damage inflicted on his would be party by its impromptu withdrawal from NADD without a tangible explanation to the general public. That dent cannot be repaired or undone by a ‘Charlatan’ at this last hour by simply coming up with frivolous stories that are not convincing to even ‘Lilliputians’ in politics. How can other parties become vehicles for PDOIS in a primary without the knowledge and support of their leaders? Batch is at this hour trying to apologise on behalf of his leaders who had betrayed the Gambian people for their selfish and power hungry schemes in 2016.
Can any sensible person believe Batch when he said PDOIS will replace all Chairmen, Chairwomen and Youth Leaders of all these parties without the knowledge of such parties? Is this not absurd in every respect? It is parties that will name their position holders and not any other way around.
Can any sensible person believe Batch when he said PDOIS will replace all Chairmen, Chairwomen and Youth Leaders of all these parties without the knowledge of such parties? Is this not absurd in every respect? It is parties that will name their position holders and not any other way around.
It beats my imagination that people who are genuinely interested in coalition building to remove a tyrant can at this hour come up with blatant lies as to place a wedge between PDOIS and the UDP. I wonder what his objective at this instance is.
I could have gone into the narration of history to expose the NADD history but that may as well divert readers from the coalition issue rather than the efforts my party is making in a collective scheme of coalition building.
Batch should go ahead and teach his party what politics to utilise to win election instead of coaching PDOIS. Can I remind him that since Gambia’s self rule leading to the first republic in 1970, no opposition party has ever changed the country through elections? That is not limited to PDOIS alone but even parties that used all the unethical schemes mentioned above have not also succeeded including the party he supposedly belongs to.
You are too mediocre to refer to Halifa’s father in your write up, which shows how empty you are in politics. It also shows how spiteful you are towards Halifa and Halifa has no such design hatred towards you and your kind. Those of us who are supporting PDOIS and Halifa are not doing so because of any relationship or personal interest but based on compatriotism. We belong to the same country under the sun and we all yearn GOOD for our dear mother/father’s land. Up to now, hawkers are selling beside Halifa’s father’s compound wall and Halifa has never thrown a stone at them. No one should vote for Halifa or vote against Halifa because of his father who has never vie for political office. You said Gambians need change but you are concentrating on what our fathers and mothers have done instead of on issues that concern change in 2016 and you call yourself a change agent.
You are too mediocre to refer to Halifa’s father in your write up, which shows how empty you are in politics. It also shows how spiteful you are towards Halifa and Halifa has no such design hatred towards you and your kind. Those of us who are supporting PDOIS and Halifa are not doing so because of any relationship or personal interest but based on compatriotism. We belong to the same country under the sun and we all yearn GOOD for our dear mother/father’s land. Up to now, hawkers are selling beside Halifa’s father’s compound wall and Halifa has never thrown a stone at them. No one should vote for Halifa or vote against Halifa because of his father who has never vie for political office. You said Gambians need change but you are concentrating on what our fathers and mothers have done instead of on issues that concern change in 2016 and you call yourself a change agent.
Batch, NADD emerged for the cause of Gambians and it is written in the preamble of the NADD MOU that” it emerged to answer to the call of the Gambian people for greater national unity transcending tribe, religion, gender, place of origin, birth, disability or any other status.”
“NADD stands for a future that will place your country right into your sovereign hands. NADD aims to utilize the public power derived from your authority to safeguard people’s liberty, dignity and prosperity. After 41 years of independence, the Gambia deserves nothing less.”
NADD stands for a dual carriageway to liberate the Gambian people from powerlessness, voicelessness and poverty.”
If all parties had adhered to the principles embedded in its MOU, we would by now be narrating a different history and sure APRC would have been history.
PDOIS is very realistic when it comes to unity of forces. It is very much conscious that Gambians are divided by so many parochial differences between political groupings. This is why it is simply leaving matters in the hands of the electorates at this material time.
Whoever the people want, should lead the coalition and stand under a neutral banner and be supported by all parties and individual politicians with finance, intelligence, wisdom, labour, skill and all what is necessary in this struggle.
Whoever the people want, should lead the coalition and stand under a neutral banner and be supported by all parties and individual politicians with finance, intelligence, wisdom, labour, skill and all what is necessary in this struggle.
PDOIS keeps ringing the ‘Primary Bell’ because it believes that is the route believable by many parties and individuals but PDOIS is not saying that is the only bell to ring and this is why it is calling on other parties to ring their bells for all of us to listen and hear.
Finally, those of us who are in for genuine change should concentrate our efforts on what is positive and refuse to be diverted by those who belong to the ruling party but disguising as opposition to place a wedge between us as to create misunderstanding as a vehicle to disunity in the December 2016 polls if we are to attain the dream of our people.
May we not be persuaded and diverted by such scandalous stories meant to plant the seed of discord among us.
Forward Ever, Backward Never!
Sulayman Ba
Monday, 15 August 2016
PDOIS Plans For The Much Talk About Primary
It has been a persistent song of the leadership and supporters of PDOIS that the best and only viable way of selecting the leader of an opposition Coalition is through a primary election. One will wonder why a small and unpopular political party like PDOIS has been adamant on primary election. The fact is that the party is confident of sweeping a primary election, and I will explain why and how. Most readers of this piece will be left crestfallen about my revelation but I can’t keep quiet any more. It’s time to vomit the truth. Yahya Jammeh’s yranny hurts!
Since 2006, the fringe party hatched a Master Plan aimed at gaming any future primary election involving opposition parties. The plan was a bait to trap heavyweight parties like the UDP to agree on a primary to elect a candidate for NADD in 2006. Once all the parties agree, PDOIS would recommend that each party sends in equal number of delegates from every constituency to the primary. Since not all opposition parties have supporters in all the districts, the PDOIS will then send their supporters to districts where parties like NDAM, GPDP, PPP or NRP have no base.
The tricky part is that these PDOIS supporters will disguise as other party supporters, singing their slogan as well as raising their flags. These disguised PDOIS recruits will then use other parties as vehicles to secure enough delegate vote for candidate Halifa Sallah.
This sinister plan was leaked to Lawyer Darboe in 2006 shortly before the NADD flag bearer was chosen. Because of this and many other reasons, the UDP pulled out of NADD knowing fully that sincerity and honesty were defeated. Lawyer Darboe had to grapple with the pain of being betrayed by the people he had respected and trusted. I owe Darboe an apology for not sounding the bell before he had invested his precious time and energy into the NADD coalition talks.
What we should ask is whether the delegate plot would see the light. Yes, it can. Even if it works, the question is whether it will translate into votes for the PDOIS selected leader. The answer is an emphatic NO.
With all their abundant knowledge and wealth of political experience, the PDOIS leaders fail to understand why politics succeeds and fails. If they understand, then they are killing the goose that lays the golden egg. Success and failure of politics everywhere hinges on connection, which is lacking within the PDOIS ranks. Every type of connection – family, friends or connections of your family/friend connection – runs and grease the engines of politics. Without connection, there is no politics. Truth be told, this is what the PDOIS leadership lacks. The party officials may not like it but this is what has bedeviled Halifa Sallah’s presidential ambitions.
I am quite sure that Baye Faals orTalibes of PDOIS are sharpening their swords ready to assault me. I’m not the least concerned because someone needs to hammer truth home even if it means causing chaos. As a member of the PDOIS’ delegate recruitment in various districts, I can’t keep quiet any longer. When this strategy was being devised, most of the so-called die-hard supporters of PDOIS were still small boys and girls or better put it political virgins.
This is why most of you are thinking that the PDOIS is a popular party and that Gambian electorate is ready and willing to vote for Halifa Ababacarr Sallah. A presidential aspirant whose father used to throw his walking stick at hawkers for selling around his compound gate at Serekunda. Do you expect the same struggling hawkers and their families to vote for Halifa? Heck no! I rest my case and wait for Baye Faals to swing on me. Then I will spill more beans. Gone are the days of deception, betrayal and selfishness. All Gambians need is a change.
Batch Samba Baldeh
Tuesday, 2 August 2016
EU Cannot Tolerate The Rights Of Citizens Of The Gambia Being Violated By The Country’s Dictator.
European lawmakers want their Union to adopt a tougher stance against Gambian President Yahya Jammeh. They also want the bloc to provide support to the Gambia’s opposition parties and civil society organisations as well as begin the process of Article 96 consultation with the Gambia’s tyrannical government.
At a recent plenary session at Strasbourg, Germany, EU lawmakers across Europe took turns to deplore the appalling human rights situation in the Gambia.
In her contribution to the debate, Italian MP said the death of Solo Sandeng has changed the dynamics. Cecile Kashetu Kyene said the EU can no longer tolerate the arrogance and systematic repression on civilians.
“In line with the Cotonou Agreement, we want to carry out actions such as the freezing of non humanitarian aid to Banjul in order to have target sanction such as travel ban to ensure people have responsibility for their action,” she said.
Jean-Paul Denanot of France said the EU cannot tolerate the rights of citizens of the Gambia being violated by the country’s dictator. “We must do all we can to ensure the restoration of democracy to this country of less than two million people. The EU must stand with the people of the Gambia,” Mr. Denanot said.
A Greece lawmaker also abhorred the Jammeh government’s unacceptable excesses. Notis Marias said since 1994, there has been disappearances in the country that are of political nature. Maritas said the EU must take immediate action to put an end to the Gambia’s disrespect for the human rights and the rule of law.
For Stanislav Polcak of Czech Republic, it was about time the EU provided support to the Gambia’s embattled opposition parties. “The EU is still the largest donor to the Gambia and I ask: is it possible to support a government that acts so despicably to its own citizens rather we should support the opposition?”
Neena Gill of the United Kingdom wants the bloc to support Gambian civil society organisations who are in the forefront standing up for reform in the Gambia. Gill is concerned about the implication of elections in a country where the playing field is anything but level. “Can the election be really free and fair?” Gill asked.
Germany lawmaker appealed to the EU to work closely with the ECOWAS and AU to address the situation in the Gambia. “We have got to stop what is happening in the Gambia,” Jordis Sebastia said.
Ignazio Carrao of Italy described President Jammeh as a brutal dictator who promotes corruption and nepotism and continues to violate the rights of its citizens. “We call on the Gambian authorities to end illegal detention of Gambians.”
David Martin of the UK said “we now need Article 96 Consultation to send a clear message to the Gambia that if they do not stop arbitrary arrests and if the police and NIA do not bring an end to brutality and torture, the EU would consider cutting all relations with them. This is a brutal regime and it needs a brutal response.”
More information on the debate can be found on the link below:
Darboe,s Speak for Presentencing
Lawyer Darboe of UDP - The Gambia Pre Sentence statement that was not Allowed by Justice Dada
May it please the Honorable Court, I am 67 years old. At the age of 19 I started the pursuit of knowledge in earnest. I focused on attaining qualification for admission to University. My goal was to read philosophy and political science. Then I had no vision. In the Christmas of 1967, I was home for the Christmas vacation. On a day, the exact date of which I cannot recollect, I found my father sitting with some of his constituents – my father was then the Honourable member representing Lower Fulladu in the House of Representatives. He introduced me to his supporters in words I have never forgotten and I will never forget i.e “Camrade (meaning comrades) this is my son, he is in form six in Gambia High School and when he is finishes his study in Gambia High School, he will go to England to study and come back to be the Commissioner M.I.D (McCarthy Island Division)”. His comrades prayed for my success at my exams and the fulfillment of my father’s dream.
From that day I had a vision – a vision to have a University degree and return to The Gambia to serve my people, particularly the people of M.I.D now C.R.D. (Central River Division). I envisioned myself going to the villages to talk to the people not just as an administrator but as their brother, cousin, nephew and son. One who can easily appreciate that the problems faced by every person in M.I.D is the same problem that my mother, aunt and uncle face.
However my father’s dreams which formed the basis of my vision in life was not to be. An incident occurred in this country whilst I was still a sixth former. The President of Senegal had made a statement which in effect described The Gambia as a nation of smugglers. This did not go down well with the well informed and educated young men of the day most of whom viewed the then Senegalese President as a neo-colonialist and such insults would not be tolerated. This statement was made a few days before the Senegalese President was due in Banjul to officially open a branch of the B.I.C.I Bank in Banjul. The occasion for the opening of the B.I.C.I. Bank provided an opportunity for some Gambians to protest at the statement that tended to show Gambia in a bad light. In the course of the protest, information reached our school that a member of the teaching Staff of the school was arrested. The class to which I belonged was the most senior class in the school. Some of us trooped out and came to the Police Station at Buckle Street, where we believed our teacher was detained. The police quickly dispersed us. I took refuge in the then Supreme Court. Although I was brought up by Gambia’s most prominent lawyer P.S. N’jie, I had never seen the inside of a court room except that day. I sat in the court room watching the lawyers arguing and I loved the Latin phrases they uttered.
On this day, I decided to disappoint my father. I no longer had the vision of becoming a provincial administrator. I wanted to become a lawyer and worked hard to pass my Advance Levels with grades that will make it difficult for a university in any Commonwealth country to reject my application for admission.
My Lady, in September 1969, I got news from the Ministry of Education that AAI secured a place for me at the University of Lagos, Africa’s Premier University, to read law and that the entire cost of my studies – University to Law School – would be met by the AAI. At University, I had the privilege and honour of being lectured by one of the most distinguished Lecturers, Professor I.O. Elias.
My Lady at the beginning of my third year in University, I started envisioning my role in Gambian society. From the cases I read in criminal and constitutional law, I concluded that I must become a State Law Officer, rising through the ranks to become Solicitor General or Director of Public Prosecution and ultimately branch off to the bench and be one of the Honourable Justices of The Gambia.
It was my vision that I will bring up my family in the way a great man, Solicitors-General, Directors of Public Prosecution or Justices bring up their families and give them the best of education, taking them for holidays to the U.K, U.S.A and of course Nigeria. My vision then as a law student was rather self-centered. The focus was on me as a person and my family.
In May 1973, I returned to The Gambia after passing my final exams for the law degree and took up appointment as a Prosecutor. Due to the state of the laws regulating the admission to the Nigeria and Gambia Bar, I could not be called to the Bar until November 1973. I became the first Gambian to pursue his first professional legal training outside, England, Ireland or Wales. I also became the first person of Provincial origin to become a lawyer and I am also the first Mandinka who with pride describes himself as Barrister.
My Lady, upon being admitted to the Bar in November 1973, I was appointed a State Counsel. I started seeing the fulfillment of my selfish and self-centered vision being achieved. I served as a Law Officer for seven years, during the period that I was in the law office, I was conflicted with myself. As a civil servant I knew I was subject to the direction of my superiors but as a Barrister, particularly when appearing in court, I held myself answerable to no one except the ethics of my profession. One of the positions I held in the Ministry of Justice was Acting Registrar General and Curator of Intestate Estates. At this time, I was also responsible for drafting of legislations. The leadership of the Gambia Workers Union was not making life easy for the Government. The Union was not in compliance with the law as to the filing of annual returns. As Acting Registrar General, I, on instructions of my superiors de-registered the Worker’s Union. I went
home in distress. I pondered on the various legal theories, I read in jurisprudence. In this particular case I saw the Marxist theory of law at play i.e that the law is an instrument of oppression in the hands of the oppressor. The governor uses the law to subdue the governed.
My Lady, since that day, I have fought hard to ensure that whenever and wherever I can, whatever I do as a lawyer will negate the Marxist theory. I became a staunch disciple of Jeremy Benthan – I subscribed and still subscribe to the view that the law must be used to promote the greatest happiness of the greatest number.
My Lady, in my humble view one of the ways to promote the greatest happiness of the greatest number is to fearlessly stand for and uphold the rights of the ordinary persons and protect them against executive excesses. I have always believed that the criminal justice system should really be used to combat crime.
My Lady, in my humble view one of the ways to promote the greatest happiness of the greatest number is to fearlessly stand for and uphold the rights of the ordinary persons and protect them against executive excesses. I have always believed that the criminal justice system should really be used to combat crime and criminals. It should never be used to get at political opponents or perceived political opponents. I expressed my total rejection of the use of the law to suppress rights in or about 1980 when a gentleman by name M.I. Jallow was brought before the Kanifing Magistrates’ Court on an allegation of murder. In those days persons accused of murder were subject to a preliminary inquiry depending on the sufficiency of the evidence, the person is either indicted on information or discharged. Section 99 of the Criminal Procedure Code was then unadulterated. The right to bail was presumed. M. I. Jallow was granted bail. The State Law Office was unhappy. I was assigned the file to apply to the Supreme Court (now the High Court) to vacate the order granting bail. Mr. Jallow was a prominent member of the “NTerrikafo”, a group of people perceived to be opponents of the then ruling party. I examined the reasons advanced by the Magistrate in granting bail and I found myself unable to argue against it. I faced my client – the Gambian state, then personified by the Attorney General in this particular instance and said to him, “I will not go to court and argue in favour of a position that I do not believe in”. My refusal to argue a case I do not believe in was dictated by my belief that when I pick up a case file and proceed to court, I cease to be bound by any directive or administrative code. I am independent but I also realized that such independence might have limits and I do not want to be bugged down by limitations – so I proceeded on five months vacation during which period I tendered my resignation. My vision of being a career Law Officer came to an end but the reasons leading to it helped shape a vision that is more altruistic.
I set up Basangsang Chambers in June 1980. The first two cases – criminal – in which I was involved as part of the defence team again revealed to me that the executive, even if the government however democratic, law abiding and benevolent may use the law to suppress dissent. I, with Mr. Secka, a lawyer of sharp intellect and profound ability defended some gentlemen who were charged for managing an unlawful society. We also defended a group of young men who were alleged to have been in possession of arms. The evidence showed that the arms were in fact bows and arrows. I stood against the misuse of the criminal justice system and sided the oppressed.
My Lady, in July 1981 there was an attempt to overthrow the democratically elected government by a group of people who did not seem united in their objective. The attempt failed resulting in massive arrests. A state of emergency was declared. I appeared and defended at least two hundred people who were brought before the Review Tribunal established to investigate the allegation of involvement in the failed coup and make recommendations to the President for their release. From 1981, I represented accused persons in some of the most celebrated criminal cases – amongst them The State v S.M. Dibba, The State V Musa F.K. Sanneh & ors, The State v Ebrima Barrow. These are some of the treason cases in which I offered pro bono services for the sake of justice. I also argued some of the most celebrated constitutional law cases – Halifa Sallah & ors, V Speaker of the National Assembly,U.D.P v AG, Kemesseng Jammeh v AG & U.D.P, N.R.P & allied Momodou K. Sanneh v AG. In the areas of administrative law, I have to my credit the case of Continent Bank v Central Bank. My Lady today in every court of The Gambia, the case of the Fatou Badjie v Joseph Bassen is cited daily in support of one or other proposition of law. I am proud that I took up some of the issues in the Supreme Court. I am gratified that in my advocacy I have contributed to the development of the jurisprudence of this country in various ways. In some of the treason cases, I was ably assisted by Mr. A.A.B Gaye of counsel.
In my practice I had the privilege of appearing before several judges the majority of them being Nigerians. They included the Honourable Justices Adeyinka Morgan, E.O Ayoola Sr, E.O Ayoola (CJ), Olatawura, Akanbi, Wali, Ejiwumi, Ahmed Belgore, A.D. Yahya, C.S Yusuf, N, Izuako, Okoi- Itam, Ihekire, Omosun (CJ). Gambia was never so blessed. I was proud and still proud that the country in which I received my legal education could produce so eminent and fearless jurists willing to serve in a sister African country to uphold the rule of law.
My Lady speaking of eminent Nigeria Jurists, it will be remiss of me if I fail to mention Honourable Justice Ota and Agim. The latter we all know was at one time Chief Justice. Before then he was D.P.P. I locked heads with him in many cases. I will just mention the cases of IGP v Omar Amadou Jallow, a senior executive member of the opposition P.P.P. and the State v Ebrima Barrow & Ors earlier mentioned. Honourable Justice Agim was one of the most accomplished prosecutors I faced. We both have enormous respect for each other. He, like Chief Justice E.O. Ayoola often exchanged views with me on legal issues and the administration of the judiciary. My Lady, in my readings of cases from various Commonwealth and Common Law jurisdictions, I became particularly impressed with the judicial valor of Honourable Justice Belgore CJN, Hon. Justice Oputa, Hon, Justice Esso, Hon, Justice Obaseki, Hon. Justice Uwais, Hon. Justice Wali, Hon. Justice Karibi-White amongst many other justices of the Nigerian judiciary. It is a fact that these justices faced the greatest challenges any judicial officer could face. They had the onerous task of dispensing justice in an era dominated by military dictatorship. Yet they demonstrated by their decisions that the law speaks the same language under a military dictatorship as under a democratically elected government. Such cases as Obuya Memorial Hospital v AG, Ojukwe v Military Governor of Lagos State are ample testimony to the fact that these justices of the superior courts of Nigeria would do nothing but to advance the rule of law and keep executive excesses at bay.
My Lady, when a Nigerian national assumes office as one of the Justices of the Superior Courts of The Gambia I look for an Obaseki, Esso, Oputa, a Wali, a Belgore, an Ejuwumi, an Ayoola, a Karibi-White and all those justices of the Nigerian judiciary who are the subject of the book titled “Tribute to Courage”. The opinions of those great defenders of the law have influenced me a lot in my practice of the law. They have provided for me the elan to be more of service to the public than to my family. It was in the spirit of serving the public that I took the risk of defending many members, ministers and public officers – of the ousted regime. In fact, I was detained by the military junta. This did not deter me in my quest for justice for those who for good reason fall out of favour with the Executive.
My lady, during the military rule, it dawned on me that any government whether a dictatorship or a true democracy turns first to lawyers for whatever its wishes to accomplish. It is the lawyers that draft the most draconian legislations. It is also the lawyers that draft and draft legislation that catalyst economic growth and development with its attendant by products. It is also the lawyers who help put in place a constitution that may or may not establish an autocratic rule.
My Lady, the preamble to the 1997 Constitution states amongst other things that “we the people of The Gambia have accomplished a great and historic task. We have had our say on how we should be governed”. My Lady, I was part of that historic task and I have had a say in how we Gambians should be governed. I did so in this very court room wherein members of The Gambia Bar Association met to make recommendations to the Constitutional Review Commission on the new Constitution of The Gambia. I was then Vice President of The Gambia Bar Association. I was also a part of a small group of lawyers comprising Mr. O.M.E Sillah, Mr. P.C.O. Secka of blessed memory, Hon Justice R.C. Sock that submitted various recommendations to the Constitutional Review Commission. Of interest to me is the independence of the judiciary. I saw then the threat to the independence of the judiciary. I believed that a provision such as Section 120 (3) of the Constitution, together with an Esso type of Judges will guarantee the absolute independence of the judiciary. I believe that with an independent judiciary no one will starve of justice. I believe that with an independent judiciary, democracy will be constitutionalized.
In August 1996, I was compelled to answer the call of Gambians who believe in democracy, constitutionalism and the rule of law to lead the United Democratic Party. It was and still is the hope of ushering in true democratic values in The Gambia. The United Democratic Party seeks to falsify Karl Marx’s theory that the law is an instrument of oppression. The United Democratic Party believes in utilitarianism – to use the law as a vehicle for the maximization of the happiness of the greatest number of people. Since 1996, I have been on the side of the law. I have encouraged my supporters to respect the law and eschew violence. That is why, except in the cases presided over by foreign nationals, members of the U.D.P who have faced prosecution in this country have been acquitted.
It is my cardinal belief that every law enforcement officer has the authority to arrest persons suspected of having committed an offence. But I reject the slightest notion that a law enforcement officer has authority to arrest any person and subject him to torture resulting in his death. This is murder. I cannot condone it, and no civilized nation will condone it.
My Lady, I objected to The Gambia Police Intervention Unit’s arrest of Ebrima Solo Sandeng and his subsequent detention at the premises of the National Intelligence Agency during which period he was murdered. His death was never communicated to his family or his political associates. There was no Coroner’s inquest to ascertain the cause of his death. His remains have not been delivered to his family. The ordeal he went through before he breathed his last breath is deposed to in an affidavit sworn to by Nogoi Njie filed in support of the habeas corpus application pending before this Honourable Court. On the same day and at the same N.I.A. premises, Fatoumatta Jawara, Fatou Camara and Nogoi Njie were brutalized by persons who one can only conclude are agents of the N.I.A. They were subjected to the most horrendous acts of brutality. They were not only humiliated by the thugs. The torture inflicted on them was more severe on the most private parts of their lives. The humiliation, the horrendous acts of barbarism meted out to these women is humiliation and barbarism to all women of Africa and The Gambia in particular.
My Lady, if these are not sufficient and good reasons for any person with conscience to go on a peaceful demonstration/procession to ask for the release of Solo Sandeng dead or alive, and to protest against the humiliation and acts of thuggery committed on these women? Every woman in The Gambia today stands in solidarity with Solo Sandeng’s wife. Every woman in Africa and The Gambia in particular stands in solidarity with Fatoumatta Jawara, Nogoi Njie and Fatou Camara.
My Lady instead of the perpetrators of these crimes of murder and torture of these women being brought before the courts to answer for their acts of criminality, I and my people are flung before the courts at the behest of our political adversary.
My Lady, I refuse to ask this court to be lenient with me because in so doing I am accepting the fact, that Mr. Sandeng deserved to be tortured to death by the security agents of this country. My Lady I know the purpose of an allocutus but I refuse to ask this court for leniency because in so doing, I break rank with Fatoumatta Jawara, Fatou Camara and Nogoi Njie who in spite of their humiliation and acts of horrendous brutality committed on them are now being persecuted at the behest of our political adversary whilst the real criminals are walking freely on the streets of Banjul and congratulating themselves for accomplishing their acts of brutality. When I was flung before the court, I comforted myself with the belief that I will have the full protection of the Constitution and other laws of The Gambia. But I was disappointed. My experience as an advocate led me to conclude that my conviction as a pre-arranged revelation in court. Every procedural rule guaranteeing my fair trial was ignored. The first theory any law student in law school learns in that Civil Procedure Rules apply to the trial of civil matters and criminal Procedure Code applies to the trial of criminal matters. My right to representation by counsel as provided for by the constitution was denied because this court ruled that we the accused persons can defend ourselves against the charges we face. I do not know which Constitution in a common law country makes a distinction between offences for which an accused person can be represented by counsel and those for which an accused must defend himself. I have not been availed the due process of law. Because of my pre-arranged conviction and because I strongly believe that my political adversaries have their eyes on this case, this court, it is very evident that this court, as some of the ex tempore Rulings show, has deprived me of a fair trial. I will not in the circumstances ask the court for leniency. To do so will be accepting that I was availed the due process of the law when I was not.
My lady, on 21st April 2016 heavily armed Police Intervention Unit Officers escorted me and my co-accused to court. Your Ladyship could not have failed to notice the presence of these armed security officers in and around the court. Since 21st April up to date each day I come to court, I do so in handcuffs. I am not indicted on any felony. All Gambians who know me will attest to the fact that I and my party members are not violent and we eschew violence by any one including members of all security outfits in The Gambia.
Putting me and my co-accused handcuffs is very symbolic and sends a significant and profound message to all and sundry. The handcuff represents the chain bondage; it shows that there is no free-man in The Gambia – we are all crawling under our political adversary who towers above all of us as a colossus. It also tells that no one can truthfully give evidence in court in a case such as the one I am involved in. It tells out in no certain terms that even Judges look over their shoulders in cases such as this. It shows that there is no one in The Gambia now is free to act according to the dictates of his or her conscience. It is my mission to reverse this unacceptable state of affairs by means that accord both the laws and constitution of this country. It is my mission to actualize for Gambians the preamble statement in the Constitution that it “provides for us a fundamental law, which affirms our commitment to freedom, justice, probity and accountability.”
My Lady, logic demands that ironies are rejected. One of the ironies in this case is that Nigerian lawyers can reject the application of the constitutional law principles expounded by eminent Judges of the courts in IGP v All Nigerian People’s Party. Those principles are being rejected because Nigerian Judges here believe that Nigerians deserve better protection of the constitutional provisions that are in pari material with the 1997 Constitution of The Gambia, but we who are born and live in the birth place of the African Charter on Human and Peoples Rights sometimes called the Banjul Charter, we who are born and live in the country that hosts the African Commission on Human Rights, the African Centre for Democracy and Human Rights Studies and other international human rights organizations, we are born and live in the natural home for an African Court for Human rights can be denied the same protection by a court presided over by a Nigerian aided by a Nigerian who pretends to be a Prosecutor. It is for all these reasons that I refuse to ask the court for any leniency.
My Lady, I am not embarrassed by this conviction. My children, brothers, cousins, sisters are not embarrassed by my conviction. My political family and my friends are not embarrassed by my conviction. Today I take pride standing amongst the likes of Chief Obafeni Awolowo, Chief Anthony Enahoro, Mallam Amunikodi, Ken Saro Wiwa,President Olusegun Obasanjo, Dr, Kwame Krumah, Nelson Mandela, Abdoulaye Wade (former President of Senegal) and President Alfa Condeh of Guinea.
My Lady I am prepared to receive the sentence that I believe has also been predetermined even before my arraignment. But before receiving the sentence, it is obvious to everyone that I am the prime target of this persecution. I would therefore ask that the other accused persons be sentenced to time already served.
Lawyer Ousainu Darboe
Party Leader and Secretary General
United Democratic Party - The Gambia.
Attachments area
Lawyer Darboe of UDP - The Gambia Pre Sentence statement that was not Allowed by Justice Dada
May it please the Honorable Court, I am 67 years old. At the age of 19 I started the pursuit of knowledge in earnest. I focused on attaining qualification for admission to University. My goal was to read philosophy and political science. Then I had no vision. In the Christmas of 1967, I was home for the Christmas vacation. On a day, the exact date of which I cannot recollect, I found my father sitting with some of his constituents – my father was then the Honourable member representing Lower Fulladu in the House of Representatives. He introduced me to his supporters in words I have never forgotten and I will never forget i.e “Camrade (meaning comrades) this is my son, he is in form six in Gambia High School and when he is finishes his study in Gambia High School, he will go to England to study and come back to be the Commissioner M.I.D (McCarthy Island Division)”. His comrades prayed for my success at my exams and the fulfillment of my father’s dream.
From that day I had a vision – a vision to have a University degree and return to The Gambia to serve my people, particularly the people of M.I.D now C.R.D. (Central River Division). I envisioned myself going to the villages to talk to the people not just as an administrator but as their brother, cousin, nephew and son. One who can easily appreciate that the problems faced by every person in M.I.D is the same problem that my mother, aunt and uncle face.
However my father’s dreams which formed the basis of my vision in life was not to be. An incident occurred in this country whilst I was still a sixth former. The President of Senegal had made a statement which in effect described The Gambia as a nation of smugglers. This did not go down well with the well informed and educated young men of the day most of whom viewed the then Senegalese President as a neo-colonialist and such insults would not be tolerated. This statement was made a few days before the Senegalese President was due in Banjul to officially open a branch of the B.I.C.I Bank in Banjul. The occasion for the opening of the B.I.C.I. Bank provided an opportunity for some Gambians to protest at the statement that tended to show Gambia in a bad light. In the course of the protest, information reached our school that a member of the teaching Staff of the school was arrested. The class to which I belonged was the most senior class in the school. Some of us trooped out and came to the Police Station at Buckle Street, where we believed our teacher was detained. The police quickly dispersed us. I took refuge in the then Supreme Court. Although I was brought up by Gambia’s most prominent lawyer P.S. N’jie, I had never seen the inside of a court room except that day. I sat in the court room watching the lawyers arguing and I loved the Latin phrases they uttered.
On this day, I decided to disappoint my father. I no longer had the vision of becoming a provincial administrator. I wanted to become a lawyer and worked hard to pass my Advance Levels with grades that will make it difficult for a university in any Commonwealth country to reject my application for admission.
My Lady, in September 1969, I got news from the Ministry of Education that AAI secured a place for me at the University of Lagos, Africa’s Premier University, to read law and that the entire cost of my studies – University to Law School – would be met by the AAI. At University, I had the privilege and honour of being lectured by one of the most distinguished Lecturers, Professor I.O. Elias.
My Lady at the beginning of my third year in University, I started envisioning my role in Gambian society. From the cases I read in criminal and constitutional law, I concluded that I must become a State Law Officer, rising through the ranks to become Solicitor General or Director of Public Prosecution and ultimately branch off to the bench and be one of the Honourable Justices of The Gambia.
It was my vision that I will bring up my family in the way a great man, Solicitors-General, Directors of Public Prosecution or Justices bring up their families and give them the best of education, taking them for holidays to the U.K, U.S.A and of course Nigeria. My vision then as a law student was rather self-centered. The focus was on me as a person and my family.
In May 1973, I returned to The Gambia after passing my final exams for the law degree and took up appointment as a Prosecutor. Due to the state of the laws regulating the admission to the Nigeria and Gambia Bar, I could not be called to the Bar until November 1973. I became the first Gambian to pursue his first professional legal training outside, England, Ireland or Wales. I also became the first person of Provincial origin to become a lawyer and I am also the first Mandinka who with pride describes himself as Barrister.
My Lady, upon being admitted to the Bar in November 1973, I was appointed a State Counsel. I started seeing the fulfillment of my selfish and self-centered vision being achieved. I served as a Law Officer for seven years, during the period that I was in the law office, I was conflicted with myself. As a civil servant I knew I was subject to the direction of my superiors but as a Barrister, particularly when appearing in court, I held myself answerable to no one except the ethics of my profession. One of the positions I held in the Ministry of Justice was Acting Registrar General and Curator of Intestate Estates. At this time, I was also responsible for drafting of legislations. The leadership of the Gambia Workers Union was not making life easy for the Government. The Union was not in compliance with the law as to the filing of annual returns. As Acting Registrar General, I, on instructions of my superiors de-registered the Worker’s Union. I went
home in distress. I pondered on the various legal theories, I read in jurisprudence. In this particular case I saw the Marxist theory of law at play i.e that the law is an instrument of oppression in the hands of the oppressor. The governor uses the law to subdue the governed.
My Lady, since that day, I have fought hard to ensure that whenever and wherever I can, whatever I do as a lawyer will negate the Marxist theory. I became a staunch disciple of Jeremy Benthan – I subscribed and still subscribe to the view that the law must be used to promote the greatest happiness of the greatest number.
My Lady, in my humble view one of the ways to promote the greatest happiness of the greatest number is to fearlessly stand for and uphold the rights of the ordinary persons and protect them against executive excesses. I have always believed that the criminal justice system should really be used to combat crime.
My Lady, in my humble view one of the ways to promote the greatest happiness of the greatest number is to fearlessly stand for and uphold the rights of the ordinary persons and protect them against executive excesses. I have always believed that the criminal justice system should really be used to combat crime and criminals. It should never be used to get at political opponents or perceived political opponents. I expressed my total rejection of the use of the law to suppress rights in or about 1980 when a gentleman by name M.I. Jallow was brought before the Kanifing Magistrates’ Court on an allegation of murder. In those days persons accused of murder were subject to a preliminary inquiry depending on the sufficiency of the evidence, the person is either indicted on information or discharged. Section 99 of the Criminal Procedure Code was then unadulterated. The right to bail was presumed. M. I. Jallow was granted bail. The State Law Office was unhappy. I was assigned the file to apply to the Supreme Court (now the High Court) to vacate the order granting bail. Mr. Jallow was a prominent member of the “NTerrikafo”, a group of people perceived to be opponents of the then ruling party. I examined the reasons advanced by the Magistrate in granting bail and I found myself unable to argue against it. I faced my client – the Gambian state, then personified by the Attorney General in this particular instance and said to him, “I will not go to court and argue in favour of a position that I do not believe in”. My refusal to argue a case I do not believe in was dictated by my belief that when I pick up a case file and proceed to court, I cease to be bound by any directive or administrative code. I am independent but I also realized that such independence might have limits and I do not want to be bugged down by limitations – so I proceeded on five months vacation during which period I tendered my resignation. My vision of being a career Law Officer came to an end but the reasons leading to it helped shape a vision that is more altruistic.
I set up Basangsang Chambers in June 1980. The first two cases – criminal – in which I was involved as part of the defence team again revealed to me that the executive, even if the government however democratic, law abiding and benevolent may use the law to suppress dissent. I, with Mr. Secka, a lawyer of sharp intellect and profound ability defended some gentlemen who were charged for managing an unlawful society. We also defended a group of young men who were alleged to have been in possession of arms. The evidence showed that the arms were in fact bows and arrows. I stood against the misuse of the criminal justice system and sided the oppressed.
My Lady, in July 1981 there was an attempt to overthrow the democratically elected government by a group of people who did not seem united in their objective. The attempt failed resulting in massive arrests. A state of emergency was declared. I appeared and defended at least two hundred people who were brought before the Review Tribunal established to investigate the allegation of involvement in the failed coup and make recommendations to the President for their release. From 1981, I represented accused persons in some of the most celebrated criminal cases – amongst them The State v S.M. Dibba, The State V Musa F.K. Sanneh & ors, The State v Ebrima Barrow. These are some of the treason cases in which I offered pro bono services for the sake of justice. I also argued some of the most celebrated constitutional law cases – Halifa Sallah & ors, V Speaker of the National Assembly,U.D.P v AG, Kemesseng Jammeh v AG & U.D.P, N.R.P & allied Momodou K. Sanneh v AG. In the areas of administrative law, I have to my credit the case of Continent Bank v Central Bank. My Lady today in every court of The Gambia, the case of the Fatou Badjie v Joseph Bassen is cited daily in support of one or other proposition of law. I am proud that I took up some of the issues in the Supreme Court. I am gratified that in my advocacy I have contributed to the development of the jurisprudence of this country in various ways. In some of the treason cases, I was ably assisted by Mr. A.A.B Gaye of counsel.
In my practice I had the privilege of appearing before several judges the majority of them being Nigerians. They included the Honourable Justices Adeyinka Morgan, E.O Ayoola Sr, E.O Ayoola (CJ), Olatawura, Akanbi, Wali, Ejiwumi, Ahmed Belgore, A.D. Yahya, C.S Yusuf, N, Izuako, Okoi- Itam, Ihekire, Omosun (CJ). Gambia was never so blessed. I was proud and still proud that the country in which I received my legal education could produce so eminent and fearless jurists willing to serve in a sister African country to uphold the rule of law.
My Lady speaking of eminent Nigeria Jurists, it will be remiss of me if I fail to mention Honourable Justice Ota and Agim. The latter we all know was at one time Chief Justice. Before then he was D.P.P. I locked heads with him in many cases. I will just mention the cases of IGP v Omar Amadou Jallow, a senior executive member of the opposition P.P.P. and the State v Ebrima Barrow & Ors earlier mentioned. Honourable Justice Agim was one of the most accomplished prosecutors I faced. We both have enormous respect for each other. He, like Chief Justice E.O. Ayoola often exchanged views with me on legal issues and the administration of the judiciary. My Lady, in my readings of cases from various Commonwealth and Common Law jurisdictions, I became particularly impressed with the judicial valor of Honourable Justice Belgore CJN, Hon. Justice Oputa, Hon, Justice Esso, Hon, Justice Obaseki, Hon. Justice Uwais, Hon. Justice Wali, Hon. Justice Karibi-White amongst many other justices of the Nigerian judiciary. It is a fact that these justices faced the greatest challenges any judicial officer could face. They had the onerous task of dispensing justice in an era dominated by military dictatorship. Yet they demonstrated by their decisions that the law speaks the same language under a military dictatorship as under a democratically elected government. Such cases as Obuya Memorial Hospital v AG, Ojukwe v Military Governor of Lagos State are ample testimony to the fact that these justices of the superior courts of Nigeria would do nothing but to advance the rule of law and keep executive excesses at bay.
My Lady, when a Nigerian national assumes office as one of the Justices of the Superior Courts of The Gambia I look for an Obaseki, Esso, Oputa, a Wali, a Belgore, an Ejuwumi, an Ayoola, a Karibi-White and all those justices of the Nigerian judiciary who are the subject of the book titled “Tribute to Courage”. The opinions of those great defenders of the law have influenced me a lot in my practice of the law. They have provided for me the elan to be more of service to the public than to my family. It was in the spirit of serving the public that I took the risk of defending many members, ministers and public officers – of the ousted regime. In fact, I was detained by the military junta. This did not deter me in my quest for justice for those who for good reason fall out of favour with the Executive.
My lady, during the military rule, it dawned on me that any government whether a dictatorship or a true democracy turns first to lawyers for whatever its wishes to accomplish. It is the lawyers that draft the most draconian legislations. It is also the lawyers that draft and draft legislation that catalyst economic growth and development with its attendant by products. It is also the lawyers who help put in place a constitution that may or may not establish an autocratic rule.
My Lady, the preamble to the 1997 Constitution states amongst other things that “we the people of The Gambia have accomplished a great and historic task. We have had our say on how we should be governed”. My Lady, I was part of that historic task and I have had a say in how we Gambians should be governed. I did so in this very court room wherein members of The Gambia Bar Association met to make recommendations to the Constitutional Review Commission on the new Constitution of The Gambia. I was then Vice President of The Gambia Bar Association. I was also a part of a small group of lawyers comprising Mr. O.M.E Sillah, Mr. P.C.O. Secka of blessed memory, Hon Justice R.C. Sock that submitted various recommendations to the Constitutional Review Commission. Of interest to me is the independence of the judiciary. I saw then the threat to the independence of the judiciary. I believed that a provision such as Section 120 (3) of the Constitution, together with an Esso type of Judges will guarantee the absolute independence of the judiciary. I believe that with an independent judiciary no one will starve of justice. I believe that with an independent judiciary, democracy will be constitutionalized.
In August 1996, I was compelled to answer the call of Gambians who believe in democracy, constitutionalism and the rule of law to lead the United Democratic Party. It was and still is the hope of ushering in true democratic values in The Gambia. The United Democratic Party seeks to falsify Karl Marx’s theory that the law is an instrument of oppression. The United Democratic Party believes in utilitarianism – to use the law as a vehicle for the maximization of the happiness of the greatest number of people. Since 1996, I have been on the side of the law. I have encouraged my supporters to respect the law and eschew violence. That is why, except in the cases presided over by foreign nationals, members of the U.D.P who have faced prosecution in this country have been acquitted.
It is my cardinal belief that every law enforcement officer has the authority to arrest persons suspected of having committed an offence. But I reject the slightest notion that a law enforcement officer has authority to arrest any person and subject him to torture resulting in his death. This is murder. I cannot condone it, and no civilized nation will condone it.
My Lady, I objected to The Gambia Police Intervention Unit’s arrest of Ebrima Solo Sandeng and his subsequent detention at the premises of the National Intelligence Agency during which period he was murdered. His death was never communicated to his family or his political associates. There was no Coroner’s inquest to ascertain the cause of his death. His remains have not been delivered to his family. The ordeal he went through before he breathed his last breath is deposed to in an affidavit sworn to by Nogoi Njie filed in support of the habeas corpus application pending before this Honourable Court. On the same day and at the same N.I.A. premises, Fatoumatta Jawara, Fatou Camara and Nogoi Njie were brutalized by persons who one can only conclude are agents of the N.I.A. They were subjected to the most horrendous acts of brutality. They were not only humiliated by the thugs. The torture inflicted on them was more severe on the most private parts of their lives. The humiliation, the horrendous acts of barbarism meted out to these women is humiliation and barbarism to all women of Africa and The Gambia in particular.
My Lady, if these are not sufficient and good reasons for any person with conscience to go on a peaceful demonstration/procession to ask for the release of Solo Sandeng dead or alive, and to protest against the humiliation and acts of thuggery committed on these women? Every woman in The Gambia today stands in solidarity with Solo Sandeng’s wife. Every woman in Africa and The Gambia in particular stands in solidarity with Fatoumatta Jawara, Nogoi Njie and Fatou Camara.
My Lady instead of the perpetrators of these crimes of murder and torture of these women being brought before the courts to answer for their acts of criminality, I and my people are flung before the courts at the behest of our political adversary.
My Lady, I refuse to ask this court to be lenient with me because in so doing I am accepting the fact, that Mr. Sandeng deserved to be tortured to death by the security agents of this country. My Lady I know the purpose of an allocutus but I refuse to ask this court for leniency because in so doing, I break rank with Fatoumatta Jawara, Fatou Camara and Nogoi Njie who in spite of their humiliation and acts of horrendous brutality committed on them are now being persecuted at the behest of our political adversary whilst the real criminals are walking freely on the streets of Banjul and congratulating themselves for accomplishing their acts of brutality. When I was flung before the court, I comforted myself with the belief that I will have the full protection of the Constitution and other laws of The Gambia. But I was disappointed. My experience as an advocate led me to conclude that my conviction as a pre-arranged revelation in court. Every procedural rule guaranteeing my fair trial was ignored. The first theory any law student in law school learns in that Civil Procedure Rules apply to the trial of civil matters and criminal Procedure Code applies to the trial of criminal matters. My right to representation by counsel as provided for by the constitution was denied because this court ruled that we the accused persons can defend ourselves against the charges we face. I do not know which Constitution in a common law country makes a distinction between offences for which an accused person can be represented by counsel and those for which an accused must defend himself. I have not been availed the due process of law. Because of my pre-arranged conviction and because I strongly believe that my political adversaries have their eyes on this case, this court, it is very evident that this court, as some of the ex tempore Rulings show, has deprived me of a fair trial. I will not in the circumstances ask the court for leniency. To do so will be accepting that I was availed the due process of the law when I was not.
My lady, on 21st April 2016 heavily armed Police Intervention Unit Officers escorted me and my co-accused to court. Your Ladyship could not have failed to notice the presence of these armed security officers in and around the court. Since 21st April up to date each day I come to court, I do so in handcuffs. I am not indicted on any felony. All Gambians who know me will attest to the fact that I and my party members are not violent and we eschew violence by any one including members of all security outfits in The Gambia.
Putting me and my co-accused handcuffs is very symbolic and sends a significant and profound message to all and sundry. The handcuff represents the chain bondage; it shows that there is no free-man in The Gambia – we are all crawling under our political adversary who towers above all of us as a colossus. It also tells that no one can truthfully give evidence in court in a case such as the one I am involved in. It tells out in no certain terms that even Judges look over their shoulders in cases such as this. It shows that there is no one in The Gambia now is free to act according to the dictates of his or her conscience. It is my mission to reverse this unacceptable state of affairs by means that accord both the laws and constitution of this country. It is my mission to actualize for Gambians the preamble statement in the Constitution that it “provides for us a fundamental law, which affirms our commitment to freedom, justice, probity and accountability.”
My Lady, logic demands that ironies are rejected. One of the ironies in this case is that Nigerian lawyers can reject the application of the constitutional law principles expounded by eminent Judges of the courts in IGP v All Nigerian People’s Party. Those principles are being rejected because Nigerian Judges here believe that Nigerians deserve better protection of the constitutional provisions that are in pari material with the 1997 Constitution of The Gambia, but we who are born and live in the birth place of the African Charter on Human and Peoples Rights sometimes called the Banjul Charter, we who are born and live in the country that hosts the African Commission on Human Rights, the African Centre for Democracy and Human Rights Studies and other international human rights organizations, we are born and live in the natural home for an African Court for Human rights can be denied the same protection by a court presided over by a Nigerian aided by a Nigerian who pretends to be a Prosecutor. It is for all these reasons that I refuse to ask the court for any leniency.
My Lady, I am not embarrassed by this conviction. My children, brothers, cousins, sisters are not embarrassed by my conviction. My political family and my friends are not embarrassed by my conviction. Today I take pride standing amongst the likes of Chief Obafeni Awolowo, Chief Anthony Enahoro, Mallam Amunikodi, Ken Saro Wiwa,President Olusegun Obasanjo, Dr, Kwame Krumah, Nelson Mandela, Abdoulaye Wade (former President of Senegal) and President Alfa Condeh of Guinea.
My Lady I am prepared to receive the sentence that I believe has also been predetermined even before my arraignment. But before receiving the sentence, it is obvious to everyone that I am the prime target of this persecution. I would therefore ask that the other accused persons be sentenced to time already served.
Lawyer Ousainu Darboe
Party Leader and Secretary General
United Democratic Party - The Gambia.
Attachments area
May it please the Honorable Court, I am 67 years old. At the age of 19 I started the pursuit of knowledge in earnest. I focused on attaining qualification for admission to University. My goal was to read philosophy and political science. Then I had no vision. In the Christmas of 1967, I was home for the Christmas vacation. On a day, the exact date of which I cannot recollect, I found my father sitting with some of his constituents – my father was then the Honourable member representing Lower Fulladu in the House of Representatives. He introduced me to his supporters in words I have never forgotten and I will never forget i.e “Camrade (meaning comrades) this is my son, he is in form six in Gambia High School and when he is finishes his study in Gambia High School, he will go to England to study and come back to be the Commissioner M.I.D (McCarthy Island Division)”. His comrades prayed for my success at my exams and the fulfillment of my father’s dream.
From that day I had a vision – a vision to have a University degree and return to The Gambia to serve my people, particularly the people of M.I.D now C.R.D. (Central River Division). I envisioned myself going to the villages to talk to the people not just as an administrator but as their brother, cousin, nephew and son. One who can easily appreciate that the problems faced by every person in M.I.D is the same problem that my mother, aunt and uncle face.
However my father’s dreams which formed the basis of my vision in life was not to be. An incident occurred in this country whilst I was still a sixth former. The President of Senegal had made a statement which in effect described The Gambia as a nation of smugglers. This did not go down well with the well informed and educated young men of the day most of whom viewed the then Senegalese President as a neo-colonialist and such insults would not be tolerated. This statement was made a few days before the Senegalese President was due in Banjul to officially open a branch of the B.I.C.I Bank in Banjul. The occasion for the opening of the B.I.C.I. Bank provided an opportunity for some Gambians to protest at the statement that tended to show Gambia in a bad light. In the course of the protest, information reached our school that a member of the teaching Staff of the school was arrested. The class to which I belonged was the most senior class in the school. Some of us trooped out and came to the Police Station at Buckle Street, where we believed our teacher was detained. The police quickly dispersed us. I took refuge in the then Supreme Court. Although I was brought up by Gambia’s most prominent lawyer P.S. N’jie, I had never seen the inside of a court room except that day. I sat in the court room watching the lawyers arguing and I loved the Latin phrases they uttered.
On this day, I decided to disappoint my father. I no longer had the vision of becoming a provincial administrator. I wanted to become a lawyer and worked hard to pass my Advance Levels with grades that will make it difficult for a university in any Commonwealth country to reject my application for admission.
My Lady, in September 1969, I got news from the Ministry of Education that AAI secured a place for me at the University of Lagos, Africa’s Premier University, to read law and that the entire cost of my studies – University to Law School – would be met by the AAI. At University, I had the privilege and honour of being lectured by one of the most distinguished Lecturers, Professor I.O. Elias.
My Lady at the beginning of my third year in University, I started envisioning my role in Gambian society. From the cases I read in criminal and constitutional law, I concluded that I must become a State Law Officer, rising through the ranks to become Solicitor General or Director of Public Prosecution and ultimately branch off to the bench and be one of the Honourable Justices of The Gambia.
It was my vision that I will bring up my family in the way a great man, Solicitors-General, Directors of Public Prosecution or Justices bring up their families and give them the best of education, taking them for holidays to the U.K, U.S.A and of course Nigeria. My vision then as a law student was rather self-centered. The focus was on me as a person and my family.
In May 1973, I returned to The Gambia after passing my final exams for the law degree and took up appointment as a Prosecutor. Due to the state of the laws regulating the admission to the Nigeria and Gambia Bar, I could not be called to the Bar until November 1973. I became the first Gambian to pursue his first professional legal training outside, England, Ireland or Wales. I also became the first person of Provincial origin to become a lawyer and I am also the first Mandinka who with pride describes himself as Barrister.
My Lady, upon being admitted to the Bar in November 1973, I was appointed a State Counsel. I started seeing the fulfillment of my selfish and self-centered vision being achieved. I served as a Law Officer for seven years, during the period that I was in the law office, I was conflicted with myself. As a civil servant I knew I was subject to the direction of my superiors but as a Barrister, particularly when appearing in court, I held myself answerable to no one except the ethics of my profession. One of the positions I held in the Ministry of Justice was Acting Registrar General and Curator of Intestate Estates. At this time, I was also responsible for drafting of legislations. The leadership of the Gambia Workers Union was not making life easy for the Government. The Union was not in compliance with the law as to the filing of annual returns. As Acting Registrar General, I, on instructions of my superiors de-registered the Worker’s Union. I went
home in distress. I pondered on the various legal theories, I read in jurisprudence. In this particular case I saw the Marxist theory of law at play i.e that the law is an instrument of oppression in the hands of the oppressor. The governor uses the law to subdue the governed.
My Lady, since that day, I have fought hard to ensure that whenever and wherever I can, whatever I do as a lawyer will negate the Marxist theory. I became a staunch disciple of Jeremy Benthan – I subscribed and still subscribe to the view that the law must be used to promote the greatest happiness of the greatest number.
My Lady, in my humble view one of the ways to promote the greatest happiness of the greatest number is to fearlessly stand for and uphold the rights of the ordinary persons and protect them against executive excesses. I have always believed that the criminal justice system should really be used to combat crime.
My Lady, in my humble view one of the ways to promote the greatest happiness of the greatest number is to fearlessly stand for and uphold the rights of the ordinary persons and protect them against executive excesses. I have always believed that the criminal justice system should really be used to combat crime and criminals. It should never be used to get at political opponents or perceived political opponents. I expressed my total rejection of the use of the law to suppress rights in or about 1980 when a gentleman by name M.I. Jallow was brought before the Kanifing Magistrates’ Court on an allegation of murder. In those days persons accused of murder were subject to a preliminary inquiry depending on the sufficiency of the evidence, the person is either indicted on information or discharged. Section 99 of the Criminal Procedure Code was then unadulterated. The right to bail was presumed. M. I. Jallow was granted bail. The State Law Office was unhappy. I was assigned the file to apply to the Supreme Court (now the High Court) to vacate the order granting bail. Mr. Jallow was a prominent member of the “NTerrikafo”, a group of people perceived to be opponents of the then ruling party. I examined the reasons advanced by the Magistrate in granting bail and I found myself unable to argue against it. I faced my client – the Gambian state, then personified by the Attorney General in this particular instance and said to him, “I will not go to court and argue in favour of a position that I do not believe in”. My refusal to argue a case I do not believe in was dictated by my belief that when I pick up a case file and proceed to court, I cease to be bound by any directive or administrative code. I am independent but I also realized that such independence might have limits and I do not want to be bugged down by limitations – so I proceeded on five months vacation during which period I tendered my resignation. My vision of being a career Law Officer came to an end but the reasons leading to it helped shape a vision that is more altruistic.
I set up Basangsang Chambers in June 1980. The first two cases – criminal – in which I was involved as part of the defence team again revealed to me that the executive, even if the government however democratic, law abiding and benevolent may use the law to suppress dissent. I, with Mr. Secka, a lawyer of sharp intellect and profound ability defended some gentlemen who were charged for managing an unlawful society. We also defended a group of young men who were alleged to have been in possession of arms. The evidence showed that the arms were in fact bows and arrows. I stood against the misuse of the criminal justice system and sided the oppressed.
My Lady, in July 1981 there was an attempt to overthrow the democratically elected government by a group of people who did not seem united in their objective. The attempt failed resulting in massive arrests. A state of emergency was declared. I appeared and defended at least two hundred people who were brought before the Review Tribunal established to investigate the allegation of involvement in the failed coup and make recommendations to the President for their release. From 1981, I represented accused persons in some of the most celebrated criminal cases – amongst them The State v S.M. Dibba, The State V Musa F.K. Sanneh & ors, The State v Ebrima Barrow. These are some of the treason cases in which I offered pro bono services for the sake of justice. I also argued some of the most celebrated constitutional law cases – Halifa Sallah & ors, V Speaker of the National Assembly,U.D.P v AG, Kemesseng Jammeh v AG & U.D.P, N.R.P & allied Momodou K. Sanneh v AG. In the areas of administrative law, I have to my credit the case of Continent Bank v Central Bank. My Lady today in every court of The Gambia, the case of the Fatou Badjie v Joseph Bassen is cited daily in support of one or other proposition of law. I am proud that I took up some of the issues in the Supreme Court. I am gratified that in my advocacy I have contributed to the development of the jurisprudence of this country in various ways. In some of the treason cases, I was ably assisted by Mr. A.A.B Gaye of counsel.
In my practice I had the privilege of appearing before several judges the majority of them being Nigerians. They included the Honourable Justices Adeyinka Morgan, E.O Ayoola Sr, E.O Ayoola (CJ), Olatawura, Akanbi, Wali, Ejiwumi, Ahmed Belgore, A.D. Yahya, C.S Yusuf, N, Izuako, Okoi- Itam, Ihekire, Omosun (CJ). Gambia was never so blessed. I was proud and still proud that the country in which I received my legal education could produce so eminent and fearless jurists willing to serve in a sister African country to uphold the rule of law.
My Lady speaking of eminent Nigeria Jurists, it will be remiss of me if I fail to mention Honourable Justice Ota and Agim. The latter we all know was at one time Chief Justice. Before then he was D.P.P. I locked heads with him in many cases. I will just mention the cases of IGP v Omar Amadou Jallow, a senior executive member of the opposition P.P.P. and the State v Ebrima Barrow & Ors earlier mentioned. Honourable Justice Agim was one of the most accomplished prosecutors I faced. We both have enormous respect for each other. He, like Chief Justice E.O. Ayoola often exchanged views with me on legal issues and the administration of the judiciary. My Lady, in my readings of cases from various Commonwealth and Common Law jurisdictions, I became particularly impressed with the judicial valor of Honourable Justice Belgore CJN, Hon. Justice Oputa, Hon, Justice Esso, Hon, Justice Obaseki, Hon. Justice Uwais, Hon. Justice Wali, Hon. Justice Karibi-White amongst many other justices of the Nigerian judiciary. It is a fact that these justices faced the greatest challenges any judicial officer could face. They had the onerous task of dispensing justice in an era dominated by military dictatorship. Yet they demonstrated by their decisions that the law speaks the same language under a military dictatorship as under a democratically elected government. Such cases as Obuya Memorial Hospital v AG, Ojukwe v Military Governor of Lagos State are ample testimony to the fact that these justices of the superior courts of Nigeria would do nothing but to advance the rule of law and keep executive excesses at bay.
My Lady, when a Nigerian national assumes office as one of the Justices of the Superior Courts of The Gambia I look for an Obaseki, Esso, Oputa, a Wali, a Belgore, an Ejuwumi, an Ayoola, a Karibi-White and all those justices of the Nigerian judiciary who are the subject of the book titled “Tribute to Courage”. The opinions of those great defenders of the law have influenced me a lot in my practice of the law. They have provided for me the elan to be more of service to the public than to my family. It was in the spirit of serving the public that I took the risk of defending many members, ministers and public officers – of the ousted regime. In fact, I was detained by the military junta. This did not deter me in my quest for justice for those who for good reason fall out of favour with the Executive.
My lady, during the military rule, it dawned on me that any government whether a dictatorship or a true democracy turns first to lawyers for whatever its wishes to accomplish. It is the lawyers that draft the most draconian legislations. It is also the lawyers that draft and draft legislation that catalyst economic growth and development with its attendant by products. It is also the lawyers who help put in place a constitution that may or may not establish an autocratic rule.
My Lady, the preamble to the 1997 Constitution states amongst other things that “we the people of The Gambia have accomplished a great and historic task. We have had our say on how we should be governed”. My Lady, I was part of that historic task and I have had a say in how we Gambians should be governed. I did so in this very court room wherein members of The Gambia Bar Association met to make recommendations to the Constitutional Review Commission on the new Constitution of The Gambia. I was then Vice President of The Gambia Bar Association. I was also a part of a small group of lawyers comprising Mr. O.M.E Sillah, Mr. P.C.O. Secka of blessed memory, Hon Justice R.C. Sock that submitted various recommendations to the Constitutional Review Commission. Of interest to me is the independence of the judiciary. I saw then the threat to the independence of the judiciary. I believed that a provision such as Section 120 (3) of the Constitution, together with an Esso type of Judges will guarantee the absolute independence of the judiciary. I believe that with an independent judiciary no one will starve of justice. I believe that with an independent judiciary, democracy will be constitutionalized.
In August 1996, I was compelled to answer the call of Gambians who believe in democracy, constitutionalism and the rule of law to lead the United Democratic Party. It was and still is the hope of ushering in true democratic values in The Gambia. The United Democratic Party seeks to falsify Karl Marx’s theory that the law is an instrument of oppression. The United Democratic Party believes in utilitarianism – to use the law as a vehicle for the maximization of the happiness of the greatest number of people. Since 1996, I have been on the side of the law. I have encouraged my supporters to respect the law and eschew violence. That is why, except in the cases presided over by foreign nationals, members of the U.D.P who have faced prosecution in this country have been acquitted.
It is my cardinal belief that every law enforcement officer has the authority to arrest persons suspected of having committed an offence. But I reject the slightest notion that a law enforcement officer has authority to arrest any person and subject him to torture resulting in his death. This is murder. I cannot condone it, and no civilized nation will condone it.
My Lady, I objected to The Gambia Police Intervention Unit’s arrest of Ebrima Solo Sandeng and his subsequent detention at the premises of the National Intelligence Agency during which period he was murdered. His death was never communicated to his family or his political associates. There was no Coroner’s inquest to ascertain the cause of his death. His remains have not been delivered to his family. The ordeal he went through before he breathed his last breath is deposed to in an affidavit sworn to by Nogoi Njie filed in support of the habeas corpus application pending before this Honourable Court. On the same day and at the same N.I.A. premises, Fatoumatta Jawara, Fatou Camara and Nogoi Njie were brutalized by persons who one can only conclude are agents of the N.I.A. They were subjected to the most horrendous acts of brutality. They were not only humiliated by the thugs. The torture inflicted on them was more severe on the most private parts of their lives. The humiliation, the horrendous acts of barbarism meted out to these women is humiliation and barbarism to all women of Africa and The Gambia in particular.
My Lady, if these are not sufficient and good reasons for any person with conscience to go on a peaceful demonstration/procession to ask for the release of Solo Sandeng dead or alive, and to protest against the humiliation and acts of thuggery committed on these women? Every woman in The Gambia today stands in solidarity with Solo Sandeng’s wife. Every woman in Africa and The Gambia in particular stands in solidarity with Fatoumatta Jawara, Nogoi Njie and Fatou Camara.
My Lady instead of the perpetrators of these crimes of murder and torture of these women being brought before the courts to answer for their acts of criminality, I and my people are flung before the courts at the behest of our political adversary.
My Lady, I refuse to ask this court to be lenient with me because in so doing I am accepting the fact, that Mr. Sandeng deserved to be tortured to death by the security agents of this country. My Lady I know the purpose of an allocutus but I refuse to ask this court for leniency because in so doing, I break rank with Fatoumatta Jawara, Fatou Camara and Nogoi Njie who in spite of their humiliation and acts of horrendous brutality committed on them are now being persecuted at the behest of our political adversary whilst the real criminals are walking freely on the streets of Banjul and congratulating themselves for accomplishing their acts of brutality. When I was flung before the court, I comforted myself with the belief that I will have the full protection of the Constitution and other laws of The Gambia. But I was disappointed. My experience as an advocate led me to conclude that my conviction as a pre-arranged revelation in court. Every procedural rule guaranteeing my fair trial was ignored. The first theory any law student in law school learns in that Civil Procedure Rules apply to the trial of civil matters and criminal Procedure Code applies to the trial of criminal matters. My right to representation by counsel as provided for by the constitution was denied because this court ruled that we the accused persons can defend ourselves against the charges we face. I do not know which Constitution in a common law country makes a distinction between offences for which an accused person can be represented by counsel and those for which an accused must defend himself. I have not been availed the due process of law. Because of my pre-arranged conviction and because I strongly believe that my political adversaries have their eyes on this case, this court, it is very evident that this court, as some of the ex tempore Rulings show, has deprived me of a fair trial. I will not in the circumstances ask the court for leniency. To do so will be accepting that I was availed the due process of the law when I was not.
My lady, on 21st April 2016 heavily armed Police Intervention Unit Officers escorted me and my co-accused to court. Your Ladyship could not have failed to notice the presence of these armed security officers in and around the court. Since 21st April up to date each day I come to court, I do so in handcuffs. I am not indicted on any felony. All Gambians who know me will attest to the fact that I and my party members are not violent and we eschew violence by any one including members of all security outfits in The Gambia.
Putting me and my co-accused handcuffs is very symbolic and sends a significant and profound message to all and sundry. The handcuff represents the chain bondage; it shows that there is no free-man in The Gambia – we are all crawling under our political adversary who towers above all of us as a colossus. It also tells that no one can truthfully give evidence in court in a case such as the one I am involved in. It tells out in no certain terms that even Judges look over their shoulders in cases such as this. It shows that there is no one in The Gambia now is free to act according to the dictates of his or her conscience. It is my mission to reverse this unacceptable state of affairs by means that accord both the laws and constitution of this country. It is my mission to actualize for Gambians the preamble statement in the Constitution that it “provides for us a fundamental law, which affirms our commitment to freedom, justice, probity and accountability.”
My Lady, logic demands that ironies are rejected. One of the ironies in this case is that Nigerian lawyers can reject the application of the constitutional law principles expounded by eminent Judges of the courts in IGP v All Nigerian People’s Party. Those principles are being rejected because Nigerian Judges here believe that Nigerians deserve better protection of the constitutional provisions that are in pari material with the 1997 Constitution of The Gambia, but we who are born and live in the birth place of the African Charter on Human and Peoples Rights sometimes called the Banjul Charter, we who are born and live in the country that hosts the African Commission on Human Rights, the African Centre for Democracy and Human Rights Studies and other international human rights organizations, we are born and live in the natural home for an African Court for Human rights can be denied the same protection by a court presided over by a Nigerian aided by a Nigerian who pretends to be a Prosecutor. It is for all these reasons that I refuse to ask the court for any leniency.
My Lady, I am not embarrassed by this conviction. My children, brothers, cousins, sisters are not embarrassed by my conviction. My political family and my friends are not embarrassed by my conviction. Today I take pride standing amongst the likes of Chief Obafeni Awolowo, Chief Anthony Enahoro, Mallam Amunikodi, Ken Saro Wiwa,President Olusegun Obasanjo, Dr, Kwame Krumah, Nelson Mandela, Abdoulaye Wade (former President of Senegal) and President Alfa Condeh of Guinea.
My Lady I am prepared to receive the sentence that I believe has also been predetermined even before my arraignment. But before receiving the sentence, it is obvious to everyone that I am the prime target of this persecution. I would therefore ask that the other accused persons be sentenced to time already served.
Lawyer Ousainu Darboe
Party Leader and Secretary General
United Democratic Party - The Gambia.
Attachments area
UK Tells UN About Gambia’s Excesses
In response to concerns by the Campaign for Human Rights in The Gambia UK (CHRG), the UK government confirmed that its UN Representative has been in contact with the UN Secretary General about the appalling situation in the West African country. This was contained in a letter sent to Hon. Tom Brake MP, former deputy leader of the House of Commons.
“The UK Permanent Representative to the United Nations raised his concerns with the United Nations Secretary General and other Permanent Representatives based in New York, we also continue to liaise closely with our international partners about the situation in The Gambia,” the UK government’s letter confirmed. It has also been in close contact with the UN Secretary General’s Representative for West Africa with regard to the Gambia’s precarious situation.
“The UK fully endorsed the statement of the UN Special Advisor on the Prevention of Genocide on June 10, in which he condemned the use of inflammatory rhetoric and called for the rights of all population of the Gambia to be respected,” the letter cited. “We share the Campaign’s concerns about the speech made by President Jammeh at a political rally on June 3. We and our partners will continue to monitor the situation closely particularly the protection accorded to different ethnic groups”
Meanwhile, more than 30 British MPs have signed a Motion in Parliament condemning the Gambia government’s excesses and called on the United Kingdom to lead an international effort to impose punitive measures on President Yahya Jammeh and leading members of his government. The Motion also called for the provision of a Special Rapporteur on the Gambia at the UN Human Rights Council.
An official of the CHRG-UK has renewed his call on the International Community to end this wave of terror that has swept the Gambia since 1994. Alieu Badara Cessay said this could be done by prioritising the situation in the Gambia. “More must be done urgently through punitive measures such as travel bans and asset freeze in order to put an end to President Jammeh’s oppression against Gambian people. We will continue to work with the UK government to secure a resolution at the UN about the situation in Gambia.”
Monday, 1 August 2016
APRC Was Busy Bullying Our Supporters,, Aji Yam Seck,,
The caretaker leader of the opposition United Democratic Party has dispelled rumours milling in town that Yahya Jammeh has nailed the coffin on the UDP. Despite hiccups and blights, Mariam Secka said the main opposition party remains strong and that its members are highly spirited.
“Whilst we were busy on the court cases and to see that our people are free from illegal state abduction, the APRC government has also been busy bullying and intimidating our supporters in different parts of the country so that they can abandon the UDP. Some people have also used that as an opportunity going around the country telling people that the UDP is dead; that they should abandon the UDP and many other unfounded stories. This has created confusion across the country among our supporters we are told,” Mrs Secka told Brikama weekend rally, brushing aside misinformation that the UDP leadership has thrown in the towel. “There is no iota of truth in that.”
She said her party has been going through serious challenges since Ebrima Solo Sandeng, an executive member of the UDP was beaten to death and the arrest, detention and prosecution of the UDP leadership and supporters. “Notwithstanding the difficult situation the UDP is going through,” Mariam Secka added, “our party leader and Secretary General, Alhagie Lawyer Ousainou Numukunda Darboe, has directed that we continue the grass root mobilization and recruitment of new members especially youths; knock from door to door, house to house, talk to everyone; Energize every party member to make sure we move on to make this party the greatest once again.”
Mrs. Secka had earlier asked a minute silence to be observed in memory of Mr. Sandeng, a man who had given his very best to his country and her people. Mariam was enticed by what she called “special love and respect Gambians, particularly the Darboe clan, have accorded to Lawyer Darboe. “The Darboe clan has taught me a lot when it comes to standing tall with your relative. From now on, I am proud to be called Mariam Darboe,” she said, ordering President Yahya to release all political detainees unconditionally.
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